1-6 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual


1.2.2 Data and Address Mode Types

The CPU supports five types of data and six main types of address modes. The five types of data are bits,

binary-coded decimal (BCD) digits, bytes, words, and long words. The six types of address modes are

shown in Table1-1.

1.2.3 FLX68000 Instruction Set

The FLX68000 CPU instruction set supports high-level languages that facilitate programming. Almost

every instruction operates on bytes, words, and long words, and most of them can use any of the 14 addr ess

modes. Combining instruction types, data types, and address modes provides access to ove r 1,000 po ssibl e

instructions. These instructions, shown in Table1-2 on page 1-7, include signed and unsi gned multipl y and

divide, quick arithmetic operations, binary-coded decimal (BCD) arithmetic, and expanded operations

(through traps).

Table 1-1. Address Modes

Address Mode Syntax
Register direct address
Data register direct
Address registe r direct Dn
Absolute data address
Absolute short
Absolute long xxx.W
Program counter relative address
Relative with o ffset
Relative with index offset d16(PC)
d8(PC, Xn)
Register indirect address
Register indirect
Postincrement register indirect
Predecrement register indirect
Register indirect with offset
Indexed register indirect with offset
d8(An, Xn)
Immediate data address
• Immediate
Quick immediate #xxx
Implied address
Implied register SR/USP/SP/PC
Dn = Data register
An = Address register
Xn = Address or data register used as index register
SR = Status register
PC = Program counter
SP = Stack pointer
USP = User stack pointer
( ) = Effective address
d8 = 8-bit offset (displacement)
d16 = 16-bit offset (displacement)
#xxx = Immediate data