17-4 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Bootstrap Mode Operation
17.1.5 System Initialization Programming Example
Before downloading a program to system memory, the target system may need to be initialized using the
internal registers. An init file can be built using a text editor. Example17-1 is an initialization file for the
MC68VZ328ADS board.
Example 17-1. System Initialization Programming Example
* init.b -- Init ADS to default monitor config
* date: 04/20/98
FFFFF1180130 emucs init
FFFFF000011C SCR init
FFFFFB0A0100 Disable WD
FFFFF42B0183 enable clko
FFFFF40B0100 enable chip select
FFFFFD0D0108 disable hardmap
FFFFFD0E0107 clear level 7 interrupt
FFFFF100020100 CSA 2M - 4M
FFFFF102020000 CSB 0 - 256K
FFFFFC00028F00 DRAM Config
FFFFFC02029667 DRAM Control
FFFFF106020200 CSD init -- RAS0 4M-6M, RAS1 6M-8M
FFFFF11602029D enable DRAM cs
FFFFF3000140 IVR
The bootloader starts receiving a new b-record when a nonhexadecimal
digit is received. Therefore, comments can be made in the b-record file as
long as it contains no more than eight consecutive hexadecimal digits.