Programming Model
Pulse-Width Modulator 1 and 2 15-7
15.4.3 PWM 1 Period Register
This register controls the pulse-width modulator period. When the counter value match es PERIOD+ 1, the
counter is reset to start another period. Therefore, the following equation applies:
PWMO (Hz) = PCLK (Hz) / (PERIOD + 2)
Eqn. 15-1
Writing 0xFF to this register achieves the same result as writing 0xFE.
The register bit assignments are shown in the following register display. The register sett ings are desc ribed
in Table15-3.

PWMP1 PWM 1 Period Register 0x(FF)FFF504

15.4.4 PWM 1 Counter Register
This register contains the current count value and can be read at any time without disturbing the counter.
The register bit assignments are shown in the following register display. The register sett ings are desc ribed
in Table15-4.

PWMCNT1 PWM 1 Counter Register 0x(FF)FFF505

BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BIT 0
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 1 1111110
Table 15-3. PWM 1 Period Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–0 Period—This field represents the pulse-width modulator’s period c on t rol va lu e. None
BIT 7654321BIT 0
TYPE rrrrrrrr
RESET 00000000
Table 15-4. PWM 1 Counter Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–0 Count—This field represents the value of the current count. None