LCD Controller Operation
LCD Controller 8-9
During the same period, the line buffer m ust be filled. The following TDMA duration is how long the DMA
cycle will hold up the bus:
Thus, the percentage of host bus time taken up by the LCD controller’s DMA is PDMA:
8.2.5 Self-Refresh Mode
The LCD driver from Epson was used as a reference for the design of the refresh mode. In self-refresh
mode, the LCD module will update the screen periodically from internal RAM using the LP and FRM
pulse. Entering Self-Refresh Mode

Setting the self-refresh register bit 7 to 1 means that the LSCLK and LD will remain 0 when the end of the
frame is reached. The LP and FRM pulse continue as in normal mode, but there ar e no pulses on either the
LSCLK or LD. Canceling Self-Refresh Mode

Setting the self-refresh register bit 7 to 0 means that the no rmal mode is entered when the end of the frame
is reached. On entering normal mode, data is sent out from the beginning of the page.
60 Hz
240 lines
69.4 µs=
TDMA 320 pixels 2 bits pe r pixel×2clocks×
16.67 MHz 16-bit bus×
4.8 µs=
PDMA 4.8‘ µs
69.4‘ µs