Programming Model
I/O Ports 10-13
accept the data, but the data written to each cannot be accessed unt il t he cor respond ing pin i s conf igure d as
an output. The actual value on the pin is reported when these bits are read, regardless of whether they are
configured as input or output. Port C Dedicated I/O Functions
The eight PCDATA lines are multiplexed with the LCD controller dedicated I/O signals whose
assignments are shown in Table10-14. Port C Pull-down Enable Register
The Port C pull-down enable register (PCPDEN) controls the pull-down resistors for each line in Port C.
The settings for the bit positions are shown in Table10-15.

PCPDEN Port C Pull-down Enable Register 0x(FF)FFF412

Table 10-14. Port C Dedicated Function Assignments
Bit GPIO Function Dedicated I/O Function
0 Data bit 0 LD0
1 Data bit 1 LD1
2 Data bit 2 LD2
3 Data bit 3 LD3
4 Data bit 4 LFLM
5 Data bit 5 LLP
6 Data bit 6 LCLK
7 Data bit 7 LACD
BIT 7654321BIT 0
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 11111111
Table 10-15. Port C Pull-down Enable Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–0 Pull-down—These bits enable the pull-down resistors on the
port. 0 = Pull-down resistors are disabled
1 = Pull-down resistors are enabled