Programming Model
I/O Ports 10-35

PKDATA Port K Data Register 0x(FF)FFF441

Port K is multiplexed with the IrDA, SPI, and LCD controller signals. These pins can be programmed as
GPIO when the dedicated I/O signals are not in use.
These bits control or report the data on the pins while the associated SELx bits are high. While the DIRx
bits are high (output), the Dx bits control the pins. While the DIRx bits are low (input), the Dx bits report
the signal driving the pins. The Dx bits can be written at any time. Bits that are configured as inputs will
accept the data, but the data written to each cannot be accessed unt il t he cor respond ing pin i s conf igure d as
an output. The actual value on the pin is reported when these bits are read, regardless of whether they are
configured as input or output. Port K Dedicated I/O Functions
The eight PKDATA lines are multiplexed with the dedicated I/O signals whose assignments are shown in
Table 10-48.
BIT 7654321BIT 0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
*Actual bit value depends on external circuits connected to pin.
Table 10-47. Port K Data Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 7–0 Data—These bits reflect the status of
the I/O signal in an 8-bit system. 0 = Drives the output signal low when DIRx is set to 1 or the
external signal is low when DIRx is set to 0
1 = Drives the output signal high when DIRx is set to 1 or the
external signal is high when DIRx is set to 0
Table 10-48. Port K Dedicated I/O Function Assignments
Bit GPIO Function Dedicated I/O Function
0 Data bit 0 DATA_READY/PWM2
1 Data bit 1 RW
2 Data bit 2 L DS
3 Data bit 3 UDS
4 Data bit 4 LD4
5 Data bit 5 LD5
6 Data bit 6 LD6
7 Data bit 7 LD7