SPI 2 Programming Model
Serial Peripheral Interface 1 and 2 13-15
13.6.3 SPI 2 Control/Status Register
The SPI 2 control/status (SPICONT2) register controls how the SPI 2 module operates and reports its
status. The bit position assignments for this register are shown in the following register display. The
settings for this register are described in Table13-8.

SPICONT2 SPI 2 Control/Status Register 0x(FF)FFF802

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BIT
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 00 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000
Table 13-8. SPI 2 Control/Status Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 15–13 Data Rate—This field selects the bit rate of the
SPICLK2 signal based on the division of the
system clock. The master clock for the SPI 2
module is SYSCLK.
000 = Divide SYSCLK by 4.
001 = Divide SYSCLK by 8.
010 = Divide SYSCLK by 16.
011 = Divide SYSCLK by 32.
100 = Divide SYSCLK by 64.
101 = Divide SYSCLK by 128.
110 = Divide SYSCLK by 256.
111 = Divide SYSCLK by 512.
Bits 12–10 Reserved These bits are reserved and should be set to 0.
Bit 9 Enable—This bit enables the SPI 2 module.
This bit must be asserted before initiating an
exchange and should be deasserted after the
exchange is complete.
0 = The SPI 2 module is disabled.
1 = The SPI 2 module is enabled.
Bit 8 Exchange—This bit triggers a data exchange
and remains set while the exchange is in
progress. During the busy period, the
SPIDATA2 register cannot be written.
0 = Idle.
1 = Initiate an exchange (write) or busy (read).
Bit 7 Interrupt Request—This bit is set when an
exchange is finished. If the IRQEN bit is set, an
interrupt is generated. The MSPI bit of the
interrupt mask register must be cleared for the
interrupt to be posted to the core. See
Section9.6.3, “Interrupt Mask Register,” on
page9-10 for more information. This bit
remains asserted until it is cleared by writing a
0. You can write a 1 to this bit to generate an
interrupt request for system debugging.
0 = An exchange is in progress or idle.
1 = The exchange is complete.