16-8 MC68VZ328 User’s Manual
Programming Model
16.2.3 In-Circuit Emulation Module Control Register

The in-circuit emulation module control regist er (ICEMCR) is used to control the in-circuit emulation

module. The bit assignments for the ICE module control register are shown in the following register

display. The settings for the bits are described in Table16-4.

ICEMCR ICE Module Control Register 0x(FF)FFFFFD0C

BIT 151413121110987654 3 21BIT 0
TYPE rw rw rw rw rw rw
RESET 0 00000000000 0 0 0 0
Table 16-4. ICE Module Control Register Description
Name Description Setting
Bits 15–7 Reserved These bits are reserved and should
be set to 0.
Bit 6 Software Enable EMU Module—In normal mode, writing to
this bit enables the breakpoint functio n. 0 = Disable breakpoint function.
1 = Enable breakpoint function.
Bit 5 Reserved This bit is reserved and should be
set to 0.
Bit 4 Bus Break Interrupt Enable—When set, this bit enables the
generation of a level 7 interrupt on a bus breakpoint. 0 = Disable level 7 interrupt
generation on a bus breakpoint.
1 = Enable level 7 interrupt
generation on a bus breakpoint.
Bit 3 Hard-Map Disable—In emulation mode, this bit activates the
internal hard-map operation. When th is bit is clear, some
memory locations are hard-coded to the specific values
shown in Table16-5 on page 16-9. If this bit is set or in nor-
mal mode, memory reads to these locations refer to the exter-
nal memory.
Note: It is important to note that when writing to these
locations, all writes are occurring to extern al memory. When
the HMDIS bit is disabled, reads to these addresses are in
word or long-word sizes.
See Table16-5 on page 16-9.
Bit 2 Single BreakPoint—This bit controls the direction of the
EMUBRK signal. In multiple breakpoint mode, the external
address comparator will compare the lower address bits and
the internal comparator will compare the higher address bits
to generate a breakpoint matched signal.
0 = Configure the EMUBRK signal as
an input (multiple breakpoint
mode with external address
compare for the lower
1 = Configure the EMUBRK signal as
an output (single breakpoint
based on the internal address
compare register).
Bit 1 Program Break Enable—This bit is used to select a p rogram
or bus break. 0 = Select a b us break.
1 = Select a program break.