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Configuration: Basic Gateway TCP/IP Wireless
Print Server USB
Wireless > STATISTICS page fields (continued)
Field or Button | Description |
Frame Duplicate | The number of frames received where the Sequence Control field indicated the frame was a |
Count | duplicate. |
Request To Send | The number of CTS messages received in response to RTS messages. |
Success Count |
Request To Send | The number of CTS messages not received in response to RTS messages. |
Failure Count |
Acknowledgement | The number of acknowledgment messages not received when expected from a data |
Failed Count | message transmission. |
Received Fragment | The number of successfully received MPDUs of type Data or Management. |
Count |
Multicast Received | The number of MSDUs received when the multicast bit was set in the destination MAC |
Fragment Count | address. |
Frame Check | The number of FCS errors detected in a received MPDU. |
Sequence Error |
Count |
Transmitted Frame | The number of successfully transmitted MSDUs. |
Count |
WEP Undecryptable | This number of frames received with the WEP subfield of the Frame Control field set to one |
Count | and the WEPOn key value mapped to the client MAC address. This indicates that the frame |
| should not have been encrypted or that frame was discarded due to the receiving client not |
| having WEP enabled. |
Refresh | Click to collect new data. |
X | 76 | SBG1000 Wireless Cable Modem Gateway User Guide |