Abbreviations and Acronyms
The abbreviations and acronyms list contains the full spelling of the short forms used in this manual.
ac | alternating current |
A/D | |
ADU | automatic drive unit |
AGC | automatic gain control |
APC | angled physical contact |
BW | bandwidth |
CATV | Community Antenna Television |
c/n | |
CSO | composite second order |
CTB | composite triple beat |
CU | control unit |
dB | decibel |
dBc | decibels relative to the carrier |
dBm | decibels relative to 1 milliwatt |
dBmV | decibels relative to 1 millivolt |
dc | direct current |
DFB | distributed feedback |
DIP | dual |
FC | ferrule connector |
FM | frequency modulation |
FTEC | fast trigger electronic crowbar |
GBPS | Gigabytes per second |
IC | integrated circuit |
I/O | input/output |
ICS | ingress control switch |
km | kilometer |
MCB | manual control board |
MHz | megahertz |
∝ W | microwatt |
mA | milliamp |
mW | milliwatt |
SG 2000 Installation and O peration Manual