Chapter 4 Working with Signals
Getting Started with LabVIEW SignalExpress 4-6 ni.com
On the Alignment tab of the Step Setup dialog box, the step computes
and displays the x and y gain and offset values you need to achieve
alignment specifications as you drag the signals.
4. Select Auto - Step from the Mode pull-down menu to align the
signals. LabVIEW SignalExpress bases this alignment mode on
built-in algorithms.
The lower graph in the Step Setup dialog box displays the difference
between the two signals.
5. On the Input/Output tab, place a checkmark in the Export aligned
signals checkbox to add the signals to the outputs of the step.
6. Select the Data View tab to open the Data View.
7. Click the Add Display button, shown at left, to add a third graph.
8. Drag the aligned reference and aligned test outputs of the Interactive
Alignment step to the new graph to view the aligned signals.
9. Select File»Save Project to save the project.
Signal Types in LabVIEW SignalExpressSome steps, such as the Arithmetic step, can operate on multiple signal
types. For example, you can use the Arithmetic step to operate on
time-domain or frequency-domain waveforms. The Arithmetic step
changes behavior based on the type of input signals you select for the
step. For example, if you add two time-domain signals, LabVIEW
SignalExpress adds only their amplitudes. However, if you add two
frequency-domain phase signals, LabVIEW SignalExpress adds the
appropriate phase shift.
Refer to the LabVIEW SignalExpress Help for more information by
selecting Help»LabVIEW SignalExpress Help, clicking the Search tab,
and entering "signal types".
Exporting and Printing SignalsYou can use LabVIEW SignalExpress to document signals or continue
analysis in another software application. This section teaches you how to
export signals, including sending signals to an ASCII file, sending data to
Microsoft Excel, printing signals, and using the built-in documentation
feature to document the LabVIEW SignalExpress project.