© National Instruments Corporation 6-1 Getting Started with LabVIEW SignalExpress
Performing Sweep MeasurementsYou can use LabVIEW SignalExpress to automate measurements to
characterize and validate designs by creating sweep operations. You can
use the sweep measurements to gather data from designs over a range of
conditions to document the performance of the designs. For example, you
can use sweep operations to vary the frequency of a stimulus signal or vary
the level of a supply voltage while taking measurements to characterize
This chapter teaches you how to set up sweep operations using the Sweep
step in LabVIEW SignalExpress. You learn how to characterize the
performance of a filter by sweeping through a range of frequency values
and measuring the output of the filter. You also learn how to display sweep
results and perform multidimensional sweeps for more complex
Defining Sweep Ranges and Outputs
You can use the Sweep step in LabVIEW SignalExpress to define
automated measurements for complex, repeatable sweep operations.
Complete the following steps to define a frequency range in a sample
project to sweep through a filter.
1. Select File»Open Project, navigate to the SignalExpress\
Examples\Tutorial directory, and double-click Sweep.seproj.
2. Click the Run button, shown at left, to run the project.
The project generates a sine wave stimulus signal using the Create
Signal step, passes it through a bandpass elliptic filter using the Filter
step, measures the RMS level of the filter output using the Amplitude
and Levels step, and converts the level to decibels (dB) using the
Formula step. The Filter step acts as a simulated unit under test, so the
project uses no hardware. However, you also can sweep physical
signals generated from a National Instruments arbitrary waveform