view the rooms or cubicles you've added. The name of each Work Area appears next to a cubicle icon.
Removing an Indoor Space
Step 1 On the Cable Management Main Page, select Infrastructure on the SETUP menu.
Step 2 Highlight the floor name or icon where the space is housed.
Step 3 In the grid, click the space you wish to remove and click the Delete button. If there are faceplates associated with the floor, a Cable Management warning box pops up: "The selected Space has one or more Faceplates associated with it. It cannot be deleted until all subordinate items are removed."
Step 4 Click Save to complete the deletion. The space's name will be removed from the Navigator Tree.
Telecommunication Spaces
Cable Management categorizes floor space as either a Telecommunication Space or a Work Area. A Telecommunication Space is where termination hardware or backbone assets reside; a Work Area houses users and workstation assets.
Adding a Telecommunication Space
Step 1 On the Cable Management Main Page, select Infrastructure on the SETUP menu.
Step 2 Highlight the name of the floor or the floor (steps) icon where you wish to add a Telecommunication
Step 3 The Floor Info screen appears with the floor name in the title bar and in the Attributes frame.
Step 4 Click the Add button. Enter the name of the space.
Step 5 Select Telecommunication Space from the
Step 6 Click Save when you are finished. A plus sign will appear next to the floor (steps) icon indicating that there is infrastructure information at the next level down. Click plus (+) changing it to a minus
| On the Navigator Tree, a Telecommunication Space is sorted to the top of the space |
| list for a given floor and has a rack and patch panel icon next to the name. You will |
| notice that the icon representation in the Navigator Tree is different for both your |
| Work Spaces and Telecommunication Spaces. |
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1