Security Log
Cable Management tracks every transaction by every user who logs into the application, recording the user's name and the date and time of the transaction. For every record, Cable Management displays a Revision Log (under the Notes and Attachments information) listing the user who added the record and when it was added, and also the names of users who modified it and when.
This information is also provided, along with the user names and dates of other Cable Management transactions, such as logging in and logging off, in a Security Log for administrative purposes.
Viewing the Security Log
Step 1 On the Cable Management Main Page, click the Security Log link in the
TOOLS menu.
Step 2 A
From this window you can:
—Change the type of transactions displayed by clicking a differing category in the Log Type
—Search the items in the table by entering a string in the Search Text field and clicking the Search button.
—Search for a specific date range by changing the dates in either or both Date Range fields, and then clicking Search.
—Export the data to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the To Excel button.
—Change the sort order from ascending to descending, or vice versa, of any of the columns.
For example: To view all the logins on a specific date, select LOGIN from the
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1