Setting Up Infrastructures |
Conductor Pathways Used
Step 1 To ground a pathway, click the Connected Pathways tab, and then click the Add button.
Step 2 The Select Location window appears. Highlight the pathway you wish to ground. Click OK.
Step 3 Pathway ID, Pathway Type, Source Space ID, and Dest Space ID are populated.
Step 4 Click Save to save all input information.
A firestop is needed any time you penetrate a firewall, i.e., a floor, ceiling, or wall. The firestop provides a fire barrier in case there is a fire in your facility. Each firestop has a
Adding a Firestop
A firestop is needed anytime you penetrate a firewall, i.e., a floor, ceiling, or wall. The firestop provides a fire barrier in case there is a fire in your facility. Each firestop has a
Adding firestops in your infrastructure
Step 1 On the Navigator Tree, highlight the space where the firestop material will be located.
Step 2 Select the Firestops category from the
Step 3 Click the Add button in the List View. In the Firestop Info tab, the Source box shows the space highlighted in the Navigator Tree.
Step 4 In the Info tab, fill in the Firestop ID, Manufacturer, and UL# fields. Step 5 In the Destination box, click the Set Location button.
Step 6 When the Location window appears, highlight the destination for the firestop, and click Accept.
Step 7 Click Save.
Only the Firestop ID and the Destination are required to save Firestop information.
MA4000 Expense Management Cable Management User Guide - Issue 1