Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 12-17

11.Verify that the TCP/IP option in Dial out Protocols is the only option checked, and then click OK.

12.Click Continue.

13.Close Network, shut down, and then restart your workstation.

14.Once your workstation has completely rebooted, go to the Start Menu, select Accessories, then click-on and select Dial-up Networking. (If this is the first phone book entry, a Dial-up Networking dialog box will appear. Click OK.)

15.Type a name to identify your router in the Name the new phone book entry field and click Next. Select I am calling the Internet and click Next. This configures the phone book entry to use TCP/IP and PPP as the Dial-up Networking protocols. Select RASPPTPM(VPN1) in the Select the modem or adapter this entry will use list in the Modem or Adapter dialog box, and then click Next. Type the domain name or the public IP address of your router in the Phone Number dialog box (see the Note in the step 6 of the previous section: Windows 98). Click Next, and then click Finish.

16.To verify or edit your phone book entry for the PPTP server, or your router, click More in Dial-up Networking, and then click Edit entry and modem properties to verify that your PPTP server phone book entry is correctly configured.

17.Review the information on the Basic tab to ensure that the phone number is correct and that the RASPPTPM(VPN1) device is selected. Make any necessary changes.

18.Click the Server tab. Review the information on the Server tab to ensure that the Dial-up server type displays PPP: Windows NT, Windows 95 Plus, Internet. In the Network protocols dialog box, ensure that the network protocols used on your private network are selected. Any selected protocol (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI) must already be installed on the PPTP client your are configuring. In addition, RAS must be configured to use that protocol to dial out. Also, check the TCP/IP Settings to ensure that Server assigned IP address and Server assigned name server addresses are both selected. Enable software compression and Enable PPP LCP extensions should also be selected under the Server tab.

19.Click the Script tab, and then select None.

20.Click the Security tab. Click Accept only Microsoft encrypted authentication. The PPP protocol encrypts the user name and password for remote logon. If you are using the same name and password that you log into your computer with to authenticate with the router then select Use current username and password. If not, make sure this is unchecked.

Windows 2000

1.Right click on My Network Places and select Properties.

2.Select Make New Connection to start the New Connection Wizard. Click Next.

3.In the Network Connection Type window check Connect to a Private Network through the Internet; click Next.

4.In the Public Network dialog box: If you have a direct connection to the Internet, select Do Not Dial the Initial Connection, and click Next. If you have a Dial Up Networking connection that should be connected first, select Automatically Dial this Initial Connection and choose your Internet dial up from the pull down menu.

5.In the Destination Address window, type the Local WAN IP address of the router you are connecting to in the Host Name or IP Address field.

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Netopia 4753 manual Windows