Fig. 4.9 The closed strip film holder Le porte-film en bande
Der geschlossene Filmstrelfenhalter
4-3 Operation to Use a Strip Film Holder
Negative processed film is typically cut into strips of four to six frames per strip . It is not necessary to cut and mount this film before scanning . The scanner can accommodate film strips up to six frames long using the strip film holder. The strip film holder is shown in Figure
[a]Front of strip film holder
[b)Top of strip film holder
[c]Back of strip film holder
The front of the strip film holder is the tapered end . It is designed to fit easily into the scanner film slot, similar to inserting a slide.
The back of the strip film holder is wider than the front. It extends out the front of the scanner during scanning operations.
Insert the holder from the narrow side with arrow heading into the scanner up to the TIT mark. Always eject the holder by using the software function button .
When closed , as shown in Figure 4.9, the strip film holder fits into the scanner just as a slide would . Of course , the back end of the holder extends out of the scanner during the scanning operation . Any excess film in the strip will always extend out the'back end of the strip film holder.
A typical example is shown in Figure 4.10. Note that the film extends out the back of the strip film holder.
[d]Front of strip film holder
[e]Film strip with six frames
[I]Back of stri p fi Im holder
Fig. 4.10 The strip film holder with film inserted
The strip film holder is loaded and ready for scanning .
Der Fllmstreifenhalter mit elngelegtem Film Der Streifenhalter ist gel aden und zum Scannen bereit.