Fig. 4.3 The film position with respect to the center of the slide frame
Positlonnement du film dans I'epaisseurde la monture, au centre
Lage des Films im Verhiiltnls zur MiHe des Diariihmchens
- a; .
- a; .
Slide and film mounts
Both positive and negative film can be mounted into a 35 mm frame . These frames can vary widely in thickness and material. Typical 35 mm film mounts are either plastic or glass . The scanner can accommodate film holders that are 50 mm wide by 3 mm thick.
The film is assumed to be at the center of the slide mount as shown in Figure 4.3. The scanner is self- adjusting . Thus, regardless of the thickness of the slide mount, the center of the film will be automatically positioned at the center of the focal field. Additional focusing may be required for extremely
[a]Slide mount
[b]Mounted 35 mm film
[d]Emulsion side of film
4-2 Operation to Use a Slide Film
Film mounted in a slide frame is inserted into the scanner in a similar fashion as a 3.5" disk is inserted into a disk drive. The slide frame is pushed into the slot in the front of the scanner. When inserting a slide, make sure that the slide is pushed into the scanner such that the outward edge of the slide is flush with the face of the scanner. Th is is easily accomplished by pushing the sl ide into the scanner with one 's thumb until the thumb bumps into the face of the scanner.
Since the slide frame is typically square, it could be inserted in any orientation . However, the orientation of the slide frame when inserted in the computer will affect the scanning process.
Fig. 4.4a Film entered into the scanner narrow side first (will scan entire film)
Fig . 4.4b Film entered into the scanner wide side first (will cause clipping)
This operation is incorrect.