Fig. 3.10 The 50-pin SCSI connector Inside the computer
Le connecteur 50 broches it I'lnterleurde I'unitecentrale
Der 50pollge SCSI-Stecker 1m Innern des Computers
3-6 Connecting to the Computer
The SCSI port on the computer is a connector found either inside the computer or on the rear panel of the computer. There are three basic types of SCSI connectors dealt with in this manual.
The three types of SCSI connectors discussed in this manual are the
The SCSI connector should never be connected or unconnected while the computer Is running.
Connecting to the inside of a computer
The SCSI connector inside the computer will be a
[a]To remove connector: Pry flat cable connector out gently with small flat screw driver
[b]SCSI connector
[c]Circuit card
[d]SCSI flat cable
Care must be exercised when inserting and removing these
1.Never force the connector in and out.
2.Make sure that the connectors are aligned properly before inserting .
3.Do not remove a connector from the socket by pulling the connector out by the cable. Instead use a small screwdriver to pry each of the sides out, a little at a time.
This connector is similar to the connector on the back of the