Allows the user to enter the update password (if one has been defined). Once the update password is entered correctly, SET commands can be used to modify the configuration until the console session is closed with EXIT.
Shows how long the printer has been on in format hh:mm:ss up N day(s),
Zeros statistical counts.
S e t u p C o m m a n d s
SET PRN BACkfeedcontrol [ACtion/ DISPenseposition/ DISTance] value
Sets the specified backfeedcontrol parameter to the specified value.
SHow PRN BACkfeedcontrol {ACtion/ DISPenseposition/ DISTance}
Shows the specified backfeedcontrol parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the backfeedcontrol category.
SET PRN BATchoptions [CLearfields/ NUmberofparts/
CUTOption/ CUTMultiple/ PRintmultiple/
QUantity] PRompt [YEs/ NO]
Turns on or off the specified batch entry prompt. These parameters also have corresponding values, such as “cut last ticket” for CUTOption.
SET PRN BATchoptions [CLearfields/ NUmberofparts/ CUTOption/ CUTMultiple/ PRintmultiple/ QUantity] value
Sets the specified batchoptions parameter to the specified value.
SET PRN BATchoptions [CUTLTicketprompt/
CUTAfterbatchprompt/ NOCutbeforeprompt/
CUTLStripprompt] [YEs/ NO]
Sets the specified batchoptions parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current setting of all parameters in the batchoptions category.
Console Commands