SHow PRN SUPply SYncsupply

Resynchronizes the supply.

SET PRN SYStem [POwerupmode/ LAnguage/ BAtchseparators/SLashedzero/SYmbolset] value

Sets the specified system parameter to the specified value.

SHow PRN SYStem {POwerupmode/ LAnguage/ BAtchseparators/SLashedzero/SYmbolset}

Shows the specified system parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the system category.

SET PRN SCRipts [LOad/ ENable/ DISable/ DELETE]

Loads, enables, disables, or deletes a script. Note that LOad, ENAble, DISable, and DELETE take no arguments.

SET PRN SCRipts [ENQpollbeforescript/

IMmcmdbeforscript] value

Sets the specified scripts parameter to the specified value.

SHow PRN SCRipts {STatus/ INfo/ ENQpollbeforescript/ IMmcmdbeforescript}

Shows the specified scripts parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the currents settings of all parameters in the scripts category.

SET PRN VERifier [STate/ SCanbeam/ CAbledetect] value

Sets the specified verifier parameter to the specified value.

SHow PRN VERifier {STate/ SCanbeam/ CAbledetect/ SUmmary}

Shows the specified verifier parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the verifier category.

CLear PRN VERifier SUmmary

Clears the verifier summary data (number of good and bad verifier labels).

Console Commands 4-15

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Paxar 9860 manual SHow PRN SUPply SYncsupply, SET PRN SCRipts LOad/ ENable/ DISable/ Delete