SHow PRN STOrage FLash

Shows the amount of unused flash memory.

SHow PRN STOrage FORmats {format # or ALl}

Shows headers for individual or all formats. Note that ‘0’ is shorthand for ‘ALl’.

SHow PRN STOrage FONts

Shows headers for all fonts.

CLear PRN STOrage FLash

Formats flash memory (user area only).

CLear PRN STOrage [RAm/ FLash] FORmats [format # or ALl]

Clears the specified format or all formats from volatile RAM or flash memory. Note that ‘0’ is shorthand for ‘ALl’.

CLear PRN STOrage [RAm/ FLash] FONts [font # or ALl]

Clears the specified font or all fonts from volatile RAM or flash memory. Note that ‘0’ is shorthand for ‘ALl’.

CLear PRN STOrage [RAm/ FLash] GRaphics [graphic # or ALl]

Clears the specified graphic or all graphics from volatile RAM or flash memory. Note that ‘0’ is shorthand for ‘ALl’.

CLear PRN STOrage [RAm/ FLash] CDigits [CD scheme #]

Clears the specified check digit scheme from volatile RAM or flash memory.

SET PRN SUPply [TYpe/ RIbbon/ FEedmode/ SUpplyposition/ CUtposition/ SKipindex/ KNifecontrol/ ERroraction] value

Sets the specified supply parameter to the specified value.

SHow PRN SUPply [TYpe/ RIbbon/ FEedmode/

SUpplyposition/ CUtposition/ SKipindex/

KNifecontrol/ ERroraction]

Shows the specified supply parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameter’s in the supply category.

4-14MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions

Page 74
Image 74
Paxar 9860 manual SHow PRN STOrage FLash, SHow PRN STOrage FORmats format # or ALl, SHow PRN STOrage FONts