SHow PRN BATchoptions {CLearfields/ NUmberofparts/

CUTOption/ CUTMultiple/ CUTLTicketprompt/

CUTAfterbatchprompt/ NOCutbeforeprompt/

CUTLStripprompt/ PRintmultiple/ QUantity}

Shows the specified batchoptions parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the batchoptions category.

SET PRN COMmunication [BAudrate/ WOrdlength/ STopbits/ PArity/ FLowcontrol/ PPort/ PMode] value

Sets the specified communication parameter to the specified value.

SHow PRN COMmunication {BAudrate/ WOrdlength/ STopbits/ PArity/ FLowcontrol/ PPort/ PMode}

Shows the specified communication parameter’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings for all parameters in the communication category.

SET PRN CONtrolcharacters [STartheader/ PAramseparator/ QUotedstrings/ FIeldseparator/ ENDheader DAtaescape/ IMmediatecmd/ ENQRequest/ ENQTerminator/ JObterminator] value

Sets the specified control character to the specified value. Setting the immediate command character enables immediate commands; setting the ENQ status request character enables ENQ status polling.

SHow PRN CONtrolcharacters {STartheader/

PAramseparator/ QUotedstrings/ FIeldseparator/

ENDheader/ DAtaescape/ IMmediatecmd/

ENQRequest/ ENQTerminator/ JObterminator}

Show the specified control character’s current setting. If no parameter is specified, it shows the current settings of all parameters in the control characters category.

CLear PRN CONtrolcharacters [DAtaescape/

IMmediatecmd/ ENQRequest/ ENQTerminator/


Clears the specified control character. Clearing the immediate command character disables immediate commands. Clearing the ENQ status request character disables ENQ status polling.

4-12MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions

Page 72
Image 72
Paxar 9860 manual