Commands for Users Logged Into the IOLAN
Description Switches from a command line based interface to Menu mode of operation.
User Level Restricted, Normal, Admin
Syntax menu
Description This command checks to see if a given host is reachable via an IP message. The specific message used is called a ping.
User Level Normal, Admin
Syntax ping <hostname/IP_address> [<packet_size>] [<#_of_packets>]
Options <hostname/IP_address>
The DNS resolvable host name or IP address of the machine you are trying to ping.
Enter the number of data bytes to be sent. The default is 100 bytes.
Enter the number of the packets you want to send. The default is 10.
Description Resumes a started session.
User Level Restricted, Normal, Admin
Syntax resume 1234
Options 1234
The number of the session you want to resume.
Description Switches from a command line based interface to Menu mode of operation.
User Level Restricted, Normal, Admin
Syntax screen
Set Termtype
Description Sets the type of terminal being used for the current session.
User Level Normal, Admin
Syntax set termtype wyse60vt100ansidumbtvi925ibm3151tevt320hp700term1term2 term3
Option wyse60vt100ansidumbtvi925ibm3151tevt320hp700term1term2term3
Specifies the type of terminal connected to the line:
zVT320 (specifically supporting
zHP700 (specifically supporting HP700/44)
zTerm1, Term2, Term3 (user defined terminals)
28 | IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.1 |