SNMP Commands
Delete Community
Description | Deletes an SNMP community (version 1 and version 2). |
User Level | Admin |
Syntax | delete community <config_community_number> |
Option | <config_community_number> |
| When you add an SNMP community, it gets assigned to a number. To delete the SNMP |
| community, you need to specify the number of the community that you want to delete. |
| To see which community is assigned to what number, type the show snmp command. |
Delete Trap
Description | Deletes an SNMP trap host. |
User Level | Admin |
Syntax | delete trap <config_trap_number> |
Option | <config_trap_number> |
| When you add an SNMP trap host, it gets assigned to a number. To delete the SNMP |
| trap host, you need to specify the number of the trap that you want to delete. To see |
| which trap host is assigned to what number, type the show snmp command. |
Description | Configures SNMP settings. |
User Level | Admin |
Syntax | set snmp [contact <string>] [location <string>] |
| [readonly user <username>] [readwrite user <username>] |
Options | contact |
| The name and contract information of the person who manages this SMNP node. |
| location |
| The physical location of the SNMP node. |
| readonly user |
| Specified user can only view SNMP variables. |
| readwrite user |
| Specified user can view and edit SNMP variables. |
Description | Shows SNMP settings, including communities and traps. |
User Level | Admin |
Syntax | show snmp |
62 | IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.1 |