REF 1057983 A Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual Glossary-1


24 Hrs used to describe format for time-of-day when AM or PM does not appear
AC alternating current (power)
A/C assist/control ventilation
AM/PM used to describe format for time-of-day when AM or PM occurs
ASCII commonly accepted 8-bit binary code for characters
Assist assist/control ventilation
ATPS ambient temperature, ambient pressure, saturated (with water vapor)
Auto-PEEP end-expiratory alveolar pressure above set PEEP level
Aux auxiliary
BTPS Body temperature (98°F, ambient pressure) 100% saturated (with water vapor)
C compliance, ratio of change in volume divided by change in pressure
CL lung compliance
cmH2O unit of pressure measurement centimeters of water
CMV controlled mechanical ventilation (same as A/C)
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
Crs compliance of respiratory system
Cw chest wall compliance
DISS Diameter Index Safety System
E-Cycle Expiratory Cycle
End Exp end expiratory pressure
EPAP expiratory positive airway pressure
ETO ethylene oxide. Gas used for sterilization.