4 • Setting Up the Meter
Setup Up Options (continued)
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B700 Only | 15 | Print Setup | Prints a report listing the setup parameters | |
| Report? | you've chosen (requires serial printer). |
B700 Only | 16 | Print Acct | Prints a report listing all the accounts | |
| Report? | you’ve defined. |
B700 Only | 17 | Clear All | Clears the contents of all accounts in a | |
| Accounts? | single operation. |
| 18 | Move Ahead | Sets the meter’s internal clock forward by | |
| Clock? | an amount you specify. Use this feature to |
| correct clock drift. |
| 19 | Move Back | Same as above, but moves the clock back. | |
| Clock? |
B700 Only | 20 | Create | Create Sets up an account (optional fea- | |
| Account? | ture). |
B700 Only | 21 | Delete | Removes an account (optional feature). | |
| Account? |
B700 Only | 22 | Change Acct | Changes account names (optional feature). | |
| Names? |
B700 Only | 23 | Super Pswd | Changes supervisor password. | |
| Change? |
B700 Only | 24 | Password | Enables password protection. | |
| Enable? |
B700 Only | 25 | Enable | Enables accounting (optional feature). | |
| Accounting? |
| 26 | Set Time | Sets the time at which the meter advances | |
| of Date | the date. |
| Change? |
| 27 | Set Refill | Sets a default refill amount that your meter | |
| Default? | displays when you add postage. |
B700 Only | 28 | Set Printer | Selects printer connection.This menu item | |
| Connection? | is not available if meter has optional EIU. |
B700 Only | 29 | Setup EIU? | This menu item is available only if your me- | |
| ter has optional EIU (DataLink).Use it to set |
| up the EIU. |
SV60941 Rev. B |