Activate YourPolar STAR Training


Theadaptive, personalized, and in-built Polar
STARTraining Program provides you with the
optimumintensity and time targets. The FT80
givesyou feedback on your performance after each
trainingsession and once a week.
TheFT80 creates a training program based on
yourpersonal information (weight, height, age,
sex),fitness level, activity level, and training goal.
Byanalyzing your weekly training results and
fitnesslevel, the FT80 gives you training guidance
forthe following week. The training program
adaptsto your training habits and to your
changingfitness level.
1. InTime view, select Menu > Applications >
Trainingprogram > Create new program
2. Ifyou have not performed the Polar Fitness
Testor a new test result is needed, the FT80
asksyou to perform the test. For more
information,see Test Your Fitness Level.
3. Selectyour training target:
Improvefitness to improve your current
cardiovascular(involving the heart and
bloodvessels) fitness level and if you are
ableto train regularly.
Maximizefitness to maximize your current
cardiovascularfitness level, and if you have
beentraining regularly for at least 10-12
weeksand training nearly every day is not a
problemfor you.
4. Trainingprogram created! is displayed.