VOR/ILS Analyzer EVS200

Chapter 1: Operator Information

Characteristics of the unit

Remarkable characteristics of the VOR/ILS Analyzer EVS200 are:

￿high accuracy

￿easy handling

￿low power consumption

￿very compact and light design for mobile operation

￿battery operation (option) for mobile operation

￿external DC operation for mobile operation

￿remote control through RS-232-Interface

￿selftest facillty (BITE)

￿digital signal processing (DSP) on ILS and VOR analysys

￿high rapidity of measurement (ILS = 90 measurements/s)

￿immediately display of all measurement data


￿calibration of Y / t recorder (DDM = 0)

￿Δ level measurements (4 reference levels can be stored)

￿installed loudspeaker and headphone output

￿suitable for 19" rack assembly




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Procom EVS200 user manual Characteristics of the unit