VOR/ILS Analyzer EVS200
Chapter 6: Technical Specification
Description | Ident No. | |
Bag for EVS200 | TEVS | |
ST1 | ||
inclusivly alignment level |
Rigging set for tripod | AM | |
Bag for tripod, plate and rigging set | TST | |
Set halfwave measuring dipoles screened for: | MA1 | |
75 MHz and 115 MHz or |
335 MHz ±15% |
Coaxialcable 50 Ω, | KK1 | |
RG58 with |
Coaxialcable 50 Ω, | KK2 | |
RG58 with |
Batterybelt for ext. supply at the EVS200 with internal | BG01 | |
battery charger (12 V/5 Ah, for approx. 190 min operation |
time, weight: 2150 g) |
Batterybelt for ext. supply at the EVS200 with internal | BG02 | |
battery charger (12 V/7 Ah, for approx. 260 min operation |
time, weight: 2850 g) |
Spiral connecting cable for batterybelt 1.50 m / 2 m for | ||
cable BG1 / BG2 |
Remote control software for EVS200 | ||
0796.1800.02 | 59 |