VOR/ILS Analyzer EVS200

Chapter 1: Operator Information

Application of the unit

The VOR/ILS Analyzer EVS200 is used for checking terrestrial radio navigation facilities at airports. Following components of ILS- and VOR-systems can be checked:

￿approach to land ILS (Instrument Landing System)

￿ direction localizer LLZ (Localizer)

108 to 118 MHz


glideslope system GS (Glideslope)

320 to 340 MHz


OM (Outer Marker)

75 MHz


MM (Middle Marker)

75 MHz


IM (Inner Marker)

75 MHz

￿short and medium range navigation

￿ VOR (VHF Omni Range) omnidirectional beacon 108 to 118 MHz

The following measurements can be carried out:

￿DDM (indication also in 1 / μA / %), SDM, modulation factor

￿absolute level

￿delta level (Δ level)

￿VOR parameter

￿ILS parameter

￿75-MHz beacon parameter

Ranges for measurements are e.g:

￿dynamic runway surveying (limited through high measurement speed (90 measurements/s))

￿static distant field surveying

￿function monitoring of transmitting field stations with data tele-transmitting

￿surveying of transmitting antenna characteristics through "Δlevel-mode"

￿Clearance & Glidepath (common parameter analysis without disconnecting the transmitting station)

￿measuring and evaluating of corresponding parameters at high interference intensity

Due to versatile power supply facilities the VOR/ILS Analyzer EVS200 is suitable for operation in field (battery supply), in vehicles (12-V board supply), and in the lab (AC supply). Among others it is pos- sible to remote control the unit via the RS-232-Interface and recalling all obtained data. Further more the corresponding parameters of the DSP can be taken at the multifunction output (DSP OUT) for further analysis (e.g. XY-tracer).




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Procom EVS200 user manual Application of the unit