Printer Status Notification by E-Mail

Auto E-mail Notification

A Click [Configuration] in the menu area, and then click [Auto E-mail Notification] on the [Device Settings] area.

The dialog box for making notification settings appears.

B Make the following settings:


Items in Notification Message column: You can set this according to your needs, for example, the printer's location, service representative contact in- formation.

Items in the Groups to Notify column: E-mail notification addresses can be grouped as required.

Items in the Select Groups/Items to Notify column: Select groups for each notification type, such as printer status and error.

To make detailed settings for these items, [Edit] next to [Detailed Settings of Each Item].

Click [OK].

Click [Logout].



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On-demand E-mail Notification

A Click [Configuration] in the menu area, and then click [On-demandE-mail Notification ] on the [Device Settings] area.

The dialog box for making notification settings appears.


Click [Edit].

Make the following settings:

Notification Subject: Enter a text string to be added to the subject line of re- turn e-mails.

Items in Notification Message column: You can set this according to your needs, for example, the printer's location, service representative contact in- formation.

Items in the Access Restriction to Information column: Select whether to restrict accesses based on a specific category of information.

Items in the Receivable E-mail Address/Domain Name Settings column: Enter an e-mail address or domain name to use for requesting information by e-mail and to receive its return e-mail.


Click [OK].

Click [Logout].

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