Monitoring and Configuring the Printer

Message List

This is a list of messages that appear in the printer's system log. The system log can be viewed using the “syslog” command.

System Log Information

Use the following command to display the system log information:UNIX: Use the “syslog” command and “rsh”, “rcp”, “ftp”, and "sftp" parameters.telnet : Use the “syslog” command.




Problem and solutions







Access to NetWare server <file server name>

(In the print server mode) Login to the file



denied. Either there is no account for this print

server failed. Make sure that the print server is



server on the NetWare server or the password

registered on the file server. If a password is



was incorrect.

specified for the print server, deleteit.







account is unavailable: Same account name be

User account is disabled. This could be be-




cause it use the same account name as the ad-




ministrator account.






account is unavailable: The authentication

User account is disabled. This could be be-




password is not set up.

cause the authentication password is not set,




and only the encryption account is set.







account is unavailable: encryption is impossi-

Encryption is not possible and account is dis-




abled. This could be because:




• Security option is not installed.




• Encryption password has not been speci-











add_sess_IPv4: bad trap<IPv4 address>, com-

The IPv4 address ( is unavailable when



munity:<community name>

the community access type is TRAP. Specify




the host IPv4 address for the TRAP destina-











add_sess_IPv6: bad trap<IPv6 address>, com-

The IPv6 address [::] is unavailable when the



munity:<community name>

community access type is TRAP. Specify the




host IPv6 address for the TRAP destination.







add_sess_IPv4: community<community

The same community name already exists.



name> already defined.

Use another community name.







add_sess_IPv6: community <community

The same community name already exists.



name> already defined.

Use another community name.







add_sess_IPX: bad trap<IPX address>commu-

The IPX address (00:00:00:00:00:00) is unavail-



nity <community name>

able when the community access type is




TRAP. Specify the host IPX address for the




TRAP destination.







add_sess_IPX: community <communi-

The same community name already exists.



tyname> already defined.

Use another community name.







Attach FileServer= <file servername>

Connection to the file server as the nearest




server has been established.