
Scan Settings

You may wish to send many different types of fax messages. Some of these may be difficult to reproduce at the other end. However, your machine has three settings that you can adjust

2 to help you transmit your document with the best possible image quality.


Standard, Detail, Fine, Auto

Original Type:



Images and text are scanned into the machine by converting them to a se- quence of dots. The frequency of dots determines the quality of the image and how long it takes to transmit. Therefore, images scanned at high resolution (Fine) have high quality but transmission takes longer. Con- versely, low resolution (Standard) scanning results in less quality but your original is sent more quickly. Choose the setting that matches your needs based upon this trade off be- tween speed and image clarity.

Standard (83.85 lines/mm, 200100dpi)

Select for originals containing nor- mal sized characters.

Detail (87.7 lines/mm, 200200dpi)

Select for originals containing small characters or when you re- quire greater clarity. This resolu- tion is twice as fine as Standard.

Fine (815.4 lines/mm, 200400dpi)

Select for originals with very fine details or when you require the best possible image clarity. This

resolution is four times as fine as


Auto (83.85 lines/mm, 200100dpi) and (87.7 lines/mm, 200200dpi)

Select for originals containing nor- mal size characters and small size characters. The machine will choose either Standard or Detail for originals automatically.


If the other party's machine does not support the resolution at which you are sending, this ma- chine automatically switches to a resolution which is supported.

Sending with Fine resolution re- quires that the other party's ma- chine has the capability to receive fax messages at Fine resolution.


The resolution returns to the de- fault setting after every transmis- sion. You can change this with the User Parameters (Switch01, Bit7). See p.83 “User Parameters”, Ad- vanced Features.

Auto resolution can be selected when the machine is in memory transmission mode and it can not be selected when the machine is in immediate transmission mode.

Standard Memory Transmission is used instead of Parallel Memory Transmission when Auto resolu- tion is selected.

Auto resolution can not be selected when copying.

Usually, transmission takes short- er when Auto resolution is select- ed than Detail resolution is selected. However, transmission for some originals containing nor- mal size characters and small size characters takes longer because resolution modes are changed.

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Ricoh 3725e/F530/LF311/3310L operating instructions Scan Settings, Resolution, Original Type