Error & Status Messages on the Control Panel

















Hardware Problem

The printer identified an op-


Turn the power off, and then on. Re-

Option RAM

tional RAM error.


move and re-install the optional RAM.



If the message appears again, contact







your sales or service representative.




See “Attaching Memory Unit Type C




256MB (SDRAM Module)”, Setup












Turn off the power, remove the mem-




ory unit, and then turn on the power.








If you remove the memory unit,




you must set up the option with




the printer driver.




In this case, you might not be able




to print complex print jobs.





Hardware Problem

There is a problem with the


If you use the parallel I/F, replace the

Parallel I/F

parallel interface.


interface cable that caused the error. If



the message appears again, contact







your sales or service representative.





Hardware Problem

There is a problem related to


Turn the power off, and then on. If the


the Universal Serial Bus Con-


message appears again, contact your

nection and Hardware.


sales or service representative.







Hardware Problem

An error was detected in the


Turn the power off, and then on. Re-

Wireless Board

IEEE 802.11b interface unit or


move and re-install the IEEE 802.11b

the Bluetooth interface unit.


interface unit or the Bluetooth inter-






face unit correctly.




If the message appears again, contact




your sales or service representative.




See “ Attaching 802.11b Interface Unit




Type F ” or “Attaching Bluetooth In-




terface Unit Type C ”, Setup Guide.





Hardware Problem

The IEEE 802.11b interface unit or


Turn the power off, and then on. Re-

Wireless Card

the Bluetooth interface unit could


move and re-install the IEEE 802.11b

not be detected when the power


interface unit or the Bluetooth inter-




was turned on. The IEEE 802.11b


face unit correctly.


interface card or the Bluetooth in-


If the message appears again, contact


terface card was removed after


your sales or service representative.


the power was turned on. An er-




See “ Attaching 802.11b Interface Unit


ror was detected in the IEEE




Type F ” or “Attaching Bluetooth In-


802.11b interface card or the Blue-



tooth interface card.


terface Unit Type C ”, Setup Guide.








HDD Full

The maximum HDD area size for


Delete the disused form/font types.


form/font has been exceeded.








The optional Hard Disk Drive is


Delete any unnecessary stored files.


full. The sample print job or




locked print job to be sent from




the computer is too large to store.