Memory Unit Type C 256MB
❖Module Type:
❖Memory Type:
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic RAM)
❖Number of Pins:
144 pins
1394 Interface Unit Type 4510
❖Transmission Spec.:
IEEE 1394
❖Device Class:
SCSI print, IP over 1394
❖Interface Connector:
IEEE 1394 (6 pins ⋅ 2)
❖Required cable:
1394 interface cable (6 pins x 4 pins, 6 pins x 6 pins) |
7 |
❒You cannot plug devices together to create loops.
❒Do not use a cable more than 4.5 meters (14.8 feet) long.
❖Connectable number of device in a bus:
Maximum 63
❖Allowed cable hops in a bus:
Maximum 16
❖Power supply:
Nonpower supply
Cable Power repeated (IEEE