Add an account
To add some accounts, you may need to obtain details from an IT support representative about the service to which the account connects. For example, you may need to know the account’s domain or server address.
Open the Accounts and Sync settings.
You can do this by opening the Settings application and touching Accounts and sync. Many applications also have an Accounts button or menu item on the screens where you work with accounts. For example, in the Contacts application you can touch the Menu button in the
The Accounts and Sync Settings screen displays your current sync settings and a list of your current accounts. See“Configuring account sync and display options”on page 81.
Touch Add account.
Touch the kind of account to add.
Follow the onscreen steps to enter the required and optional information about the account.
Most accounts require a username and password, but the details depend on the kind of account and the configuration of the service you’re connecting to.
Configure the account.
Depending on the kind of account, you may be asked to configure what kinds of data you want to sync to the tablet, name the account, and other details.
When you’re finished, the account is added to the list in the Accounts and Sync settings. Depending on how you configured the account, email, contacts, and other information start syncing to your tablet.
See“Configuring account sync and display options”on page 81 for details about changing how the account is configured.