Quick startup
Quick startup
To make your first print, follow the procedure below . For more detailed instructions on setting your printer, please refer to the page indicated.
❏ To set up the printer
1. Install the paper rack, the sound seal cover, and the ribbon cassette — Pages 10 and 11.
2. Load the single cut sheet paper or fanfold paper. Press the FF key to load the paper — Pages 13 and 14.
Self | Test | |
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Self | Test | |
❏To make a test print
1.Set the paper size of the printer in the setup options — Pages 26 and 27.
2.Press the LF key and hold while initializing the printer by the RESET key. Hold the LF key until the self test starts — Page 21.
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❏To connect your computer
1.With all equipment turned off, connect the printer to your computer. Interface cable is purchased separately — Page 12.
2.Use the extended setup options (emulation t y p e a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n e n h a n c e m e n t section) to match the specification needs between the printer and your computer — Pages 33 to 56.
3.S e l e c t t h e p r i n t e r d r i v e r f r o m y o u r application software — Page 57.