YF <P=001>
Applicable telephone line: Public switched telephone network
Compatibility: ITU-T (CCITT) G3 mode
Configuration: Half-duplex, desktop transceiver
Memory size*: 512 KB (approx. 30 average pages with ECM function
Compression scheme: MH, MR, MMR
Scanning method: Flat-bed, solid-state CCD
Resolution: Horizontal:
203 lines/inch (8 lines/mm)
Standard 98 lines/inch (3.85 lines/mm)
Fine /Halftone 196 lines/inch (7.7 lines/mm)
Super fine 391 lines/inch (15.4 lines/mm)
Recording system: Thermal transfer recording
Display: 7 x 5 dots, 1 line by 16-digit display
Reception modes: Auto/Manual
Modem speed: 14400 bps with auto matic fallba ck to 12000, 9600, 7200,
4800, or 2400 bps
Transmission time*: Approx. 6 seconds
Effective recording width: 8.0" (203 mm) (average)
Input document size: Automatic feeding:
Width 5.83 to 8.5" (148 to 216 mm)
Length 5.04 to 14" (128 to 356 mm)
Manual feeding:
Width 5.83 to 8.5" (148 to 216 mm)
Length 5.04 to 39.4" (128 to 1000 mm)
Effective scanning width: 8.3" (210 mm) max.
Automatic document feeder: 20 sheets max.
Halftone (gray scale): 64 levels

* Based on ITU-T Test Chart #1 at standard resolution in Sharp special mode,

excluding time for protocol signals (i.e., ITU-T phase C time only).