Configuration Commands
Returns the status of the last issued SMTP message (*SMTPSEND). If no status is available 0 is returned. Once read, the status is cleared out. The status codes returned come from the SMTP server to which that the modem sent the request. Unless the receiving server is not standard, they follow the RFC for SMTP. Cannot be used with AceManager.
354 = send in progress
250 = sent ok
Allows configuration of the default Subject to use if one isnʹt specified in the message by providing a “Subject: xxx” line as the initial message line.
•subject=message subject
The email account username to authenticate with the SMTP server (*SMTPADDR) for sending email.
•user=username (maximum: 40 characters).
Note: Not required to use SMTP settings but may be required by your cellular carrier.
Remarque :
Rev 3.0B Feb.08 |
| 96 |