Raven EDGE
The groups under the heading Common encompass those commands that are common to most Sierra Wireless AirLink modems.
Misc (Miscellaneous)
The commands of the “Misc” group are a variety of commands that don’t directly fit in other categories.
Note: +++ is not proceeded by AT nor does it require a carriage return (enter). There must be an idle time (set by S50) on the serial port before and after this command.
Note: A/ is not proceeded by AT.
Figure 1-3: AceManager : Misc
AT Escape sequence. If the Raven is in a data mode (any mode other than PassThru), this command causes the modem to re‐ enter AT command mode. The “+” is ASCII 0x2B.+++ is not available in AceManager.
Tip: DAE=1 disables the +++ command.
Re‐execute last command. A/ is not used in AceManager.
Manually answer an incoming connection. A is not used in AceManager.