Circuit Switch Communications
Raven LEDs in Circuit-Switched Mode
When the Raven is in Circuit‐Switched mode, the LEDs on the front will behave differently. The Chan, Link, and Reg LEDs will flash in tandem, like with PassThru mode, while all other LEDs (except for Power) will be off.
Step by Step Configuration
For your convenience, these directions use pre‐configured template.
1.Gather the required hardware and software
Hardware Required
•A personal computer with a functioning serial port or USB port and a USB to serial converter configured to work with your computer.
•A straight through RS232 cable (DB9M‐DB9F).
•A suitable power supply and antenna for the Raven. Without suitable signal strength the modem will not function. Better than at least ‐100dBM is required.
Software Required
•Modem Doctor ‐ Utility to conduct diagnostics and to bring your modem to a base‐level of configuration. You can download Modem Doctor from the Sierra Wireless AirLink Solutions website: http://www.airlink.com. This utility does not need to be installed; it is run directly. Remember where you downloaded it to, so you can run it as part of the instructions below.
•AceManager ‐ Graphical interface for entering most AT Commands. You can download AceManager from the Sierra Wireless AirLink Solutions website: http:// www.airlink.com/. A default installation of this utility is assumed later in these directions.
•Raven Templates for Circuit‐Switch ‐ These templates are provided by your Sierra Wireless AirLink Solutions repre‐ sentative and have a .xml extension. You can also download the appropriate template from: http:// www.airlink.com/docs/AppNotes/CircuitSwitchTem‐ plates/. You should only download the template which matches your modem model and/or configuration needs.
Rev 3.0B Feb.08 |
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