Displaying and assigning call charges
Step by step
*65=Show call charges?
Displaying and assigning call charges
Displaying call charges (not for U.S.)
For the current call:
Call charges are shown by default on the display when a call ends.
If you want to display call charges as they occur during a chargeable call, your service personnel must request this option from the network operator.
Call charge display must be requested from the net- work operator and configured by the relevant service personnel.
Depending on the setting, call charges are displayed du- ring or after a call.
Depending on the network operator, free external calls are also displayed. The message "Free of Charge" ap- pears on the screen either before or during the call.
If the cost indication facility has not been installed, the display will show the dialed number and/or the length of the telephone call.
If a call is forwarded, call charges are assigned to the destination of the call transfer operation.
For all calls and for the last call
Connection charges for the last chargeable call made are displayed first. After five seconds, the accumulated connection charge (total) is displayed.
Press the key shown.
Select and confirm the option shown[1].
[1]"Differing display view in a HiPath 4000 environment (not for HiPath 500)"