Special functions in the LAN (not for HiPath 500)
Step by step
Internal DISA?
j =or ( j =or (
Group call off?
Group call on?
Special functions in the LAN (not for HiPath 500)
If your telephone is operating in a HiPath 5000 environ- ment, multiple HiPath 3000 systems are interconnec- ted via a LAN (Local Area Network, e. g. proprietary PC network). You are conducting a call via the LAN (PC net- work).
In this instance, you must note certain particularities for some functions. These are described in this section.
Leaving hunt group/group call
Prerequisite: You are part of a hunt group/group call
Æpage 86 in another HiPath 3000:
Open the idle menu Æ page 15.
Select and confirm the option shown.
Enter the (DISA) call number of the other HiPath 3000.
Confirm your entry.
Enter the (DISA) station number of your phone.
Confirm your entry.
Select and confirm the option shown.
select and confirm the option shown
You belong to multiple groups associated with ano- ther HiPath 3000
Enter group number for "directed joining/leaving".