Preliminary Layla850 P1B
Personalizing your P910a
There are a number of ways you can give your P910a a personal touch and change its settings to suit your requirements.
Setting a background picture
You can change the background image (wallpaper) for the
standby screen in Control panel > Device > Display. You can use
any image stored internally or on a Memory Stick.
Themes control the colour of screen and text, the icons, and the background picture, the wallpaper. Sound themes control the notification alerts. Four themes are
To change the theme, select Control panel > Device > Themes,
see ‘Themes’ on page 149.
Tip More background images can be found on the Multimedia P910a CD, delivered with your P910a.
You can obtain suitable background picture files by downloading, MMS, beaming using Bluetooth or infrared, or transferring them using a cable from your PC.
Background picture images are 208 x 144 pixels and the picture can be seen in the standby screen. (Any chosen picture will be scaled to fit the screen). The images can be JPEG, GIF, BMP, WBMP, MBM or PNG format.
Changing your application shortcuts
You can change and rearrange the five shortcuts to applications, shown in the standby screen when the flip is closed, and the five first shortcuts in the Application picker area in flip open (not the Application launcher ). The flip closed shortcuts can even be hidden, if you wish.
Setting the light intensity
You can set the maximum and minimum display light intensity. This is useful to save the battery or protect your night sight when driving a car. See “Power tab” on page 146.
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