∙“CONFIGURATION MENU” contains the chiller setup parameters (i.e. chiller setpoint, and high and low temperature alarm setpoints)
The following sections in this chapter list the information you need to navigate through these screens for operating and monitoring your SSC Series central chilling station with the Standard Control Package.
7-4 Viewing and Operating Chiller Compressors
Viewing Compressor Status
To view the status of the chiller compressors, start at the Main
Menu screen, then:
nPress the or
buttons on the right side of the screen to highlight “COMPRESSOR STATUS”
nPress ↵
The compressor status screen displays:
Compressor Status Screen
The Compressor Status screen shows the status for compressors within the system. Only compressors that are included in the system will be shown on this screen. Compressors will display one of the following states:
1.OFFLINE – This indicates that the compressor has been turned off in the compressor enable/disable screen. The compressor will not be called to operate until it has been
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