A.3 Options
A.3.1 Option 200008
BENCHMARK (with single point autocal)
This option automatically determines analyzer performance to specified limits. It is accomplished by introducing a known chemical standard solution to the analyzer and performing a computation and analysis to verify its operation. If “Benchmark” tests fall outside specified limits, the operator may either manually perform an analyzer calibration or pre-program the analyzer to perform a single point “AUTO CAL” with appropriate outputs (relay or serial communication) to alert control rooms of analyzer status. The analyzer would then be automatically reset to fully calibrated operation. Because the analyzer is equipped with “BENCHMARK”, the time for the subsequent auto cal (if required) is significantly reduced, as the “BENCHMARK” standard would become the “SPAN” solution and the computer controlled analyzer “reset” to a fully calibrated condition.
This feature may be scheduled to be performed automatically by the operator.
All valving is included.
A.3.2 Option 200009
AUTO CAL is a feature to automatically 2-point calibrate the analyzer with known chemical standards. The operator may program its schedule and during its operation, appropriate outputs (relay or serial communications) are available to alert control rooms of analyzer status. All valving is included.
A.3.3 Option 200010
AUTO CAL/AUTO CLEAN is a feature to automatically 2-point calibrate the analyzer with known chemical standards and/or introduce a cleaning agent (generally acid or persulfate) to clean analyzer internal fluid lines. All valving is included.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments | 76 |