ValidatorTM Network Tests |
The Ping Tool soft key (F3) only shows on the IP address screen once valid DHCP information or manual IP addresses are configured. All the IP addresses that are currently setup to be pinged are displayed on entry. Uncheck the box next to any addresses you do not want to ping. The Host/IP address can be edited directly on this screen (the default URL is www.test.um.com) and the Targets soft key (F4) and subsequent screen is used to edit the four other user defined targets. Press the Ping soft key to start the ping operation of up to seven IP addresses simultaneously. Press quit to stop.
Ping Tool
Untitled1.job 100%
2005 Aug 25
10:53:01 VALIDATOR
PING | Target | Size | Received/Sent | ms |
HOST/IP | Long |
| |
GW/RTR | Long |
| |
DNS | | Long |
HOST/IP | www.yahoo.com | Long |
Figure 6.11 IP Addresses Setup to be Pinged