5.2.4Viewing Queue Depth Summary
Use the outstanding queue depth summary to analyze the utilization of the RamSan’s resources. If the queue depth is below one, then the RamSan is not being fully utilized. If the queue depth is above or at one, then you may wish to add additional links or change other performance parameters to further utilize the RamSan.
Via Web Interface
To view the outstanding command queue depth statistics via the web interface:
•Click on one of the “Fibre Channel” graphics or the “Management Control Processor” graphic.
•Click on the “Statistics” tab
•Click the radio button next to “Queue”
The graphing tool provides the option to view the read and write command queue depth, as well as an average of each of these statistics. To decode the colors on the graphical display, see the legend below the check boxes.
Figure 5-19: Queue Depth Statistics via Web Interface
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