Figure 7-3: Auto-Detect Error
For more information regarding the settings appropriate for your application, please consult your fibre channel administrator.
Saving changes made from this menu causes the system to reset the Fibre Channel Controller, which may result in data corruption. TMS does not recommend changing the controller settings while the controller is actually transferring data.
Some HBAs do not support direct attach
7.2Configuring High Availability
The administrator can configure the RamSan’s Fibre Channel (FC) controllers to back each other up in case of a failure. There are five basic FC controller states. The following list details what these states mean, how a controller can end up in each state, and what a controller’s options are from the states:
Primary (Active)
This default state is the most basic state. In this state, the controller is not associated with any of the other FC controllers. The administrator can modify any controller setting from this state, and the effect will be local to this controller. This controller’s links are enabled and can be used to transmit and receive data.
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